What’s On

• Mid-Summer Picnic – Warsill Village Hall – Saturday June 22nd
Everyone is welcome, bring a partner or friend for a summer get-together with food and drink. If the weather is good we can take tables and chairs outside. Everyone will be asked to bring either a savoury or sweet dish to share. Tea and coffee will be available.

Monthly Meeting – July 2nd
On Tuesday 2nd July 2024 – Ione Harrison will be demonstrating creating textures in watercolour.
Demonstrations and talks are held from 7:15 to 9:15 in the Broadbelt Hall, Glasshouses HG3 5QY, opposite the village green. Visitors are welcome at a cost of £4, tea/coffee and biscuits included, There is parking alongside the village green.

Outdoor sketching – July 15th
The next outdoor sketching trip for members is on Monday 15th June 2024. – Outdoor sketching in Grewelthorpe, meet in the village hall at 10:30am
Dates/times are subject to change due to weather etc., so keep up to date through the newsletter, website and from Angela. Members to meet at 10:30 am at the venue with art gear and seat. Please let Angela know if you intend to go, to get directions and arrange car shares.

Monthly Meeting – Aug 6th
On Tuesday 6th Aug 2024 – Liz Harvey will holding a session with concertina sketchbooks, drawing or painting.


• Artwork Images Spring 2024 Exhibition
Images ftom the Spring Exhibition April 2024 are available to view on the website. Images are subject to exhibition lighting and some reflections. Spring Exhibition 2024

• Members’ previous Art Exhibitions
See images from other exhibitions.
    Summer 2023 –  87 images Click > Summer Exhibition 2023
    Spring 2023  –  94 images Click > Spring Exhibition 2023
    Summer 2022 –  90 images Click > Summer Exhibition 2022
    Spring  2022  –  88  images Click >  Spring Exhibition 2022
Images from previous exhibitions are linked on the exhibition link drop-down.

 • Facebook Group
The club has a public Facebook Group. Club members can join to post or comment. Facebook group > https://www.facebook.com/groups/250674068744923/