Programme 2024

Regular Events
Tuesday meetings 7:00pm for 7:15pm start. Open to visitors at a charge of £4.
Monthly sketching trips on Mondays for members, from March to Nov, in different locations from 10:30 am to 4pm.

Sketching days Dates/times and events are subject to change due to weather etc., so keep up to date through the newsletter, website and from Angela. Members to meet at 10:30 am at the venue with art gear, seat. Please let Angela know if you intend to go, to get directions and arrange car shares.

Events for 2024
Tues 6th Feb 2024  –  Richard Squire. Demonstrating the drawing and painting of figures.
Tues 5th Mar 2024 –  AGM. Members’ Annual General Meeting followed by, at 8:15 Alec Purves illustrated talk “Portraiture, Past & Present”
Mon 11th Mar 2024 – Outdoor sketching in West Tanfield, meet at the Bull Inn at 10:30am
Fri 15th Mar 2024 – Spring lunch for art club members and partners at the Sportsman’s Arms, Wath
Sat 6th to Mon 8th, Apr 2024 – Spring Art Exhibition at Broadbelt Hall, Glasshouses HG3 5QY
Tues 2nd April 2024 – Bruce Mulcahy will demonstrate gouache, explaining his painting methods
Mon 15th April 2024 – Outdoor sketching at Yorke House, Dacre Banks HG3 4EW from 10:30am, picnic
Tues 7th May 2024 – Kate Kersey. A therapeutic approach, experimental art workshop
Mon 13th May 2024 – Outdoor sketching at Burnsall, meet at the Red Lion at 10:30am
Tues 4th June 2024 – Katharine Holmes. Talk and demonstration by Malhamdale painter.
Mon 10th June 2024 – Outdoor sketching at Ripon Walled Garden, meet in the cafe at 10:30am
Tues 2nd July 2024 – Ione Harrison. Demonstration – Creating textures in watercolour
Mon 15th July 2024 – Outdoor sketching in Grewelthorpe, meet in the village hall
Tues 6th Aug 2024 – Liz Harvey – Concertina sketchbook session – drawing or painting.
Mon 12th Aug 2024 – Outdoor sketching in Low Hall, Dacre Banks, meet at 10:30am, picnic lunch
Fri to Mon, 16th to 19th Aug 2024 Summer Art Exhibition at St Cuthbert’s School, Pateley Bridge, HG3 5LE
Tues 3rd Sept 2024 – Anne Carmen – The evolution of Australian art – 50,000 years in the making.
Mon 9th Sept 2024 – Outdoor sketching in Grassington, meet in the Corner Cafe at 10:30am
Tues 1st Oct 2024 – Mike Harford Cross – Video presentation Blood Guts and Prussian Blue”
Mon 7th Oct 2024 – Outdoor sketching in Fishponds Wood, Bewerley, meet in the Study Barn at 10:30am
Tues 5th Nov 2024 – John Harrison – “Line and wash demonstration, not just colouring in.”
Tues 3rd Dec 2024 – Christmas social